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PayPal Payment

Shop without worries.
PayPal uses strong encryption tools to help keep your card and financial details protected and do not share your full financial information with online sellers. You'll also enjoy Buyer Protection on eligible purchases.

PayPal creats better ways to manage and move money, anfd offers choice and flexibility when sending payments, paying or getting paid. Availiable in more than 200 markets around the world, the PayPal platform, including Braintree, Venmo and Xoom, enables consumers and merchants to receive money in more than 100 currencies, withdraw funds in 56 currencies and hold balances in their PayPal accounts in 25 currencies. For more information on PayPal, vist

Credit Card Payment Powered by PayPal

No PayPal Account Needed
Secure Payments by PayPal


For individuals, Western Union makes sending and receiving money fit your needs. Online, via the WU App, over the phone, or in person at western union's hundreds of thousands of locations, you can send money in local currency to and from nearly everywhere in the world except North Korea and Iran. transactions can initiate in more than 70 countries, and mobile app works in 36 countries. Western Union's digital remittance platform is one of the largest in the world.For more information on Western Union, visit

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